Homograft Request Form

For all inquiry and Urgent request please call : 

+32 (0) 2 764 6187  from Monday to Friday  between 9am and 4pm
+32 (0) 475 51 99 32 all other time 

Fax +32 (0)  2 764 9056

Mail: ehb@saintluc.uclouvain.be

General information

Ascending aorta (ASA)
Aortic Arch (AARCH)
Aortic Arch + Descending thoracic Aorta (AARCH + DA)
Descending Thoracic Aorta (DA)
Abdominal Aorta Bifurcation (BIF)
Iliac artery (IA)
Femoral artery (FA)
Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)
Inferior Vena Cava Bifurcation (IVCBIF)
Aortic valve (AV)
Aortic valve + Ascending Aorta (AC)
Aortic conduit + arch (AC + ARCH)
Mitral Valve (MV)
Pulmonary valve (PV)
Pulmonary Valve + pulmonary artery bifurcation (PC)
Pulmonary artery bifurcation without valve (NPC)
Aortic valve (AV)
Aortic conduit (AC)
Pulmonary valve (PV)
Pulmonary conduit without branches (PC without branches)
Pulmonary conduit with branches (PC with branches)
Non valvular Pulmonary conduit (NPC)

Cell-free allografts should be ordered at least two months before the planned surgery date in order to allow for the acceptance and the allocation of an appropriate allograft by the EHB (which can take up a couple of weeks) and the decellularization process by Corlife (which takes about 4-6 weeks).

Invoicing of cell-free valves is twofold: a first invoice will be issued by the EHB for covering the costs of donation, procurement, packaging, shipment from the procurement centres to the EHB and the dissection, morphological and functional evaluation costs of the EHB; a second invoice is then issued by Corlife for the decellularization of the valve.

Patient data


Type of operation